Soul Health
Coaching & Mentoring

The soul is the essence of who we are,

and when something in our life is misaligned, we can feel unwell or unbalanced. Whether going through a life transition—either personally or professionally, soul coaching can help you identify which aspect(s) of the human condition need attention in order to lead your most radiant life. Once identified, you can not only overcome any obstacles that are hindering your success, but also reset your life so you can fully thrive.

Using my Soul Health Model

as the basis for helping you realign your life, I help you assess what is blocking you from the life that is rightfully yours. My systematic process of assessments, exploration exercises, planning strategies and problem-solving tools help you get unstuck and back on your way to optimal living.

“Dr. Kelly holds a beautiful and welcoming space.  Her insight,
knowledge and experience, with a holistic soul healing approach, is
providing me with so much clarity and direction on my healing journey. Dr. Kelly is thoughtfully guiding me on my soul‘s evolution, allowing me wanting to live a more conscious and fulfilling life.”

Bridget Budd

Relationship, Life & Health Coach

Katherine T. Kelly, Ph.D., M.S.P.H.

I believe very strongly in partnering with you through the soul coaching process. Once an initial session is completed, together, we will form a formal plan for aligning your life. Sessions are usually scheduled in “packages” to help you get the most out of your coaching experience and fees are established once goals and your desired soul path are defined.

Schedule a Session

For more information or to schedule an initial session, please contact Dr. Kelly directly at 336-659-3923

Individual Coaching:

Due to the dynamic nature of Soul Health Coaching, it is possible to schedule appointments from all over the world using phone or video conferencing.

Group Coaching:

If you have a group of individuals who would like to participate in coaching together, arrangements can be made to accommodate all members. This is an incredible way to learn from one another while benefiting from the support each member can offer within the group coaching experience

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Please complete the form below prior to scheduling your initial session:

E.V.O.L.V.E. Through Social Media

Follow Dr. Kelly on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and  YouTube!

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